Microsoft 365 and Azure

Moving business operations to the cloud with Microsoft 365 and Azure offers transformative benefits. Microsoft 365 streamlines collaboration and productivity with tools like Teams and SharePoint, while Azure enables scalable, cost-effective infrastructure and advanced data analytics. This shift enhances agility, innovation, and efficiency, driving business growth and competitiveness.

Microsoft 365 and Azure

The shift towards Microsoft 365 and Azure is driven by time and cost savings when using a managed service provider

Research by Gartner predicts that by 2024, 60% of organizations will leverage MSPs for Microsoft 365 and Azure deployment, highlighting the increasing reliance on third-party expertise for cloud migration and management.


Average cost savings when using a managed service provider for Microsoft 365 and Azure deployment compared to in-house development


Average return on investment over three years for organizations using Microsoft Azure as their cloud infrastructure platform

Forrester Consulting

Organizations struggling to find IT professionals with the necessary skills and expertise for Microsoft 365 and Azure deployment

Forrester Consulting

Average saving in time to market for Microsoft 365 and Azure deployment when engaging a managed service provider for cloud adoption

Forrester Consulting